Dutch floats 2008 - Southern Indian Ocean

Trajectories of Dutch Argo floats that were launched in 2008 in the  Southern Indian Ocean.

Image: KNMI
Deze floats zitten in de sterke Antarctische Circumpolaire Strooming en gaan met de stroming richting het oosten. Daarbij volgen ze echter geen rechte pad, maar maken hier en der wat rondjes. These floats are in the strong eastward Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and travel eastward on average. However, they do not follow a straight path, but turn around in eddies.

List of 2008 floats

A click on the float number brings you to an (external) page with up-to-date information about the float, including a visualization of the measurements.

Float# Start date End date Remarks
1901079 27.01.2008 30.05.2013
1901080 25.01.2008 15.11.2011 hit bottom south of New Zealand first half of 2011
1901081 08.02.2008 02.05.2013
1901082 12.02.2008 08.07.2009 has large gaps
1901083 13.02.2008 16.02.2013